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Security Culture Policy

Security is an underlying value of Airports of Montenegro JSC as an Airport Operator. We are committed to continuous improvement of overall security by means of creating an effective security culture.

Security culture is commonly understood to be a set of norms, beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions that are inherent in the daily operation of an organization and are reflected by the actions and behaviors of all entities and personnel within the organization. Security should be everyone’s responsibility regardless of their level or role within the organization.

Effective security culture is about recognizing that effective security is critical to business success; establishing an appreciation of positive security practices among employees; aligning security with core business goals; and articulating security as a core value.

A strong and effective security culture increases the ‘eyes and ears’ of the organization, beyond formal aviation security policies and procedures. This creates an environment of vigilance, enhancing the overall security of an organization and protecting it from an attack.

We at Airports of Montenegro JSC consider aviation security, being a combination of measures and human and material resources intended to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference, as an imperative for our operations. In this light, the security will be given the highest priority in the operations and activities of the Airport Operator, meaning it will be prioritized over commercial, social and other issues.

Airport Operator commits to align with all mandatory obligations and requirements relating to the security management as may be imposed by the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro.

Aiming to achieve optimization of security as one the basic goal of the organization, Airports of Montenegro commits to adhere to the following principles:

  • Pursue a clear and consistent policy and establish processes, systems and procedures which ensure consideration of security in all policies and procedures of the organization, including those areas which are not primarily security-focused and clearly address security in the written policies.
  • Support employees in achieving high security performance by providing necessary resources such as screening equipment or additional staff at the security check points or proper IT equipment.
  • Ensure that all security equipment is certified and approved by the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro as compliant with all applicable national and international standards.
  • Ensure regular training of all employees and their assignment to tasks and duties based on the obtained licenses and acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Provide the employees with the available security-related information so as to make them aware of potential threats, identified risks and the need for immediate reporting of any and all suspicious behavior or occurrence.
  • Ensure regular briefings and workshops on security and security-related topics to raise security awareness, including participation and engagement of senior management.
  • Encourage personnel to propose solutions contributing to security enhancement and reward those employees whose proposals have resulted in introducing changes and improvements.
  • Obtain feedback on security behavior of personnel through incentives and rewards for positive security behavior and penalties for non-compliance with security policy.
  • Promote a just culture reporting system for security concerns or security breaches or events, which guarantees confidentiality of reporting individuals and recognizes their good performance through an incentive and reward mechanism.
  • Introduce regular drills enabling personnel to think of the response actions they can and are required to undertake and thereof test their ability to respond to a specific situation.
  • Ensure that all personnel understand the obligation of data protection and sharing of information
  • Maintain communication and cooperation with other aviation stakeholders and competent state authorities with regards to the security matters, promotion of security culture and continuous improvement of aviation security.
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